The Green Miracle

Plants have an indispensable place in human life. With more than 500,000 species and an even greater number of varieties and hybrids, plants are a limitless resource placed at mankind’s disposal by Allah. They are the source of the fresh air we breathe, the food we consume to survive, and much of the energy we use. Plants are also the source of strikingly beautiful views, delightful scents and stunning colors.

Plants’ special photosynthetic factories turn light into food, constantly give off oxygen, cleanse the air and ensure ecological equilibrium. Their aesthetic features such as taste, scent and color, which appeal mainly to human beings, were created by Allah, and reveal His infinite knowledge, artistry, and compassion and affection for human beings. By examining photosynthesis, the characteristic feature of plants, this book will demonstrate the miracles that Allah performs in these living things.

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