A Muslim’s life is concisely described as follows in the Qur’an: "Truly, my prayer and my service of sacrifice, my life and my death, are (all) for Allah, the Cherisher of the Worlds." (Surat al-Anaam:162) Muslims live for the cause of Allah and strive to earn the good pleasure of Allah, arranging their lives according to His Will. A believer who decides to live for the cause of Allah must abandon all the idols of the society of ignorance Devoted to Allah is a summons to overthrow these idols for good.
Islam and Karma
The belief in karma is one such characteristic of these religions that are currently attracting interest in our countries. Although it encourages people to adopt certain positive moral qualities, the philosophy of karma also contains several erroneous and superstitious beliefs.
Would it make sense to attempt to implement the rules of an irrational philosophy that lacks proper evidence to support it? In this site, using evidence to support our arguments, we will attempt to show how illogical it is to believe in karma or to try to live in accordance with it or with any other similar philosophy.
Love is one of the greatest blessings that Allah gives to people. Allah has created people in such a way that they enjoy being loved and loving others. The true source of love in the believers’ hearts is their profound love of Allah. Believers love Allah greatly and, at every moment, strive to gain His love and good pleasure. Whoever loves Allah also loves His creations, feels compassion and mercy for them.
This book seeks to remind people of the importance of feeling love toward our Lord, and the importance of Allah’s love toward His creations and the believers, as well as to demonstrate that the lack of love, which is a sign of those who deny His existence, is a great catastrophe and punishment.
adapted www.harunyahya.com
The Green Miracle
Plants have an indispensable place in human life. With more than 500,000 species and an even greater number of varieties and hybrids, plants are a limitless resource placed at mankind’s disposal by Allah. They are the source of the fresh air we breathe, the food we consume to survive, and much of the energy we use. Plants are also the source of strikingly beautiful views, delightful scents and stunning colors.
Plants’ special photosynthetic factories turn light into food, constantly give off oxygen, cleanse the air and ensure ecological equilibrium. Their aesthetic features such as taste, scent and color, which appeal mainly to human beings, were created by Allah, and reveal His infinite knowledge, artistry, and compassion and affection for human beings. By examining photosynthesis, the characteristic feature of plants, this book will demonstrate the miracles that Allah performs in these living things.
Biomimetics means the imitation of living things in nature. This new study is being spoken of more and more often in technological circles and is opening up important new horizons for mankind.
As biomimetics emerges, imitating the structures of living systems, it presents a major setback for those who still support the theory of evolution. From an evolutionist’s point of view, it’s entirely unacceptable for men—whom they regard as the highest rung on the evolutionary ladder—to try to draw inspiration from (much less imitate) other living things which, allegedly, are so much more primitive than they are.
This book considers the advances that technology has made by taking nature as its model, and examines the flawless but hitherto, little noted systems that have existed ever since living things were first created. It also describes how nature’s many varied and highly efficient mechanisms, which baffle the proponents of evolution, are all products of our Lord’s unique creation.
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Phone in Air Plane
There are very good reasons why the air crew always remind passengers that it is strictly forbidden to use cell phone in the cabin of the plane.
Modern aircraft depend greatly on radio waves to perform numerous functions, such as communication with the control tower, navigation and regulation of cabin atmosphere. Radio wave interference from a cell phone can seriously disturb these functions.
You may not be aware that even when your cell phone is on standby is still send out an electromagnetic signal that notifies the cellular networks computer that the phone is active and can be contacted. This signal become stronger when the transmitter at the Base Terminal Station (BTS) communicates with the cell phone to send a voice call or short message (SMS).
Actually, once the aircraft has taken off and approaches its cruising altitude, your cell phone will not work anyway, because the plane is too far from BTS. Furthermore, the plane move so fast that once the phone’s presence has been detected and registered by a cell in the cellular network, the phone is no longer within that cell’s range. Yet if your cell phone is active, it is continually emitting electromagnetic signal that could seriously disrupt the aviation equipment, thereby endangering the lives of hundreds of passengers.
So for your own safety and that of you fellow passengers, you must turn off your cell phone as soon as enter the plane. If you have a phone in your carry-on luggage, check to make sure that it is turned completely off.
Learning Of Family
- Informal learning within the family
- Family members learning together
- Learning about roles, relationships and responsibilities within the different stages of family life
- Learning how to understand, take responsibility and make decisions in relation to the wider society, where the family is a foundation for citizenship
- Learning how to deal with the agencies and organizations that serve or impinge upon families, such as schools, health services, social services, voluntary organizations and the criminal justice system
Let us consider a scientific theory, the Big Bang for instance. This theory was first proposed on the basis of a suspicion and a hypothesis based on Einstein's theory of relativity. Following that, the search began for the evidence needed to prove that this huge explosion happened. This evidence did really exist. The cosmic microwave background radiation confirming the explosion in question was found and the isotopic nature of the universe (the fact that all space is at -270oC) was discovered. It was also scientifically proved that the universe is constantly expanding, and this was another important and definitive piece of evidence confirming the theory in question. Therefore, the Big Bang theory became one whose every claim had been tested, confirmed and thus proved.